A calling ...

"We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims."

"Make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological offense or the disadvantage of anyone."

- Buckminster Fuller

Sunday, March 13, 2011

New Threats to Freedom Contest, $5,000 Prize

Response to Michael Goodwin’s Loss of the Freedom - Scholarship Contest

In New Threats To Freedom, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Michael Goodwin identifies “the loss of the freedom to fail” as a root cause of a “crisis in education,” but the problems Goodman cites are merely symptoms of a deeper problem. Goodwin cites “social promotion” in education as leading to a nation where “nobody rises above, nobody strives, nobody creates, nobody builds, nobody tinkers, nobody invents.” While there is considerable evidence of a “crisis in education,” and while Goodman has identified disturbing trends, his analysis remains in-the-box, and ignores a historical trend that is poised to shake and rattle the field of education to its core: the acceleration of technological change, and the changing relationship of people to technology.

I suspect that a 20th century educational paradigm, combined with the false premise that “data drives instruction,” has led to panic among educational leaders, who have devised curricula that is failing to prepare students for 21st century challenges. In my recent application essay to a program to earn a Master of Education in Special Education, I cited futurist, and pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, Ray Kurzweil:

At the dawn of the 21st century, Ray Kurzweil is warning that change is now accelerating. Kurzweil argues that computer technology is poised to uproot traditional roles in surprising ways over the next two decades.

I also cited Jane M. Healy, Ph.d., who noted in her best-selling book, Endangered Minds, population-wide declines in basic skills and increasing numbers of students in special education programs, which have led to the “dumbed down tests” cited by Goodman. In a nation that spends over $10,000 per student annually, the stakeholders, the American taxpayers, are demanding results. In response, educational leaders have gone to great lengths to create the appearance that test scores are on the rise. Data-driven instruction has led to a classic bubble, like the housing crisis or the banking crisis, where numbers were artificially inflated for years through accounting tricks. What if Kurzweil is correct and the evolution of robots such as Watson and Adam is leading to a world where even knowledge workers like Goodman’s grandchildren might need that social net he complains about?

In my recent essay, I cited a talk given by Dr. Louis Fein, nearly half a century ago:

In 1967, at a conference in Berkeley, California, Louis Fein, an engineer and Ph.d. from Brown University, posed essentially the same question: how should curricula change in a “rapidly and radically changing society?”

As Dr. Louis Fein suggested in 1967, and Cardinal John H. Newman had suggested a hundred years previously, perhaps we need to look at whether schools are preparing students with the habits of mind and learning disciplines needed for the 21st century, or whether students are being force-fed a production line mindset. If the 21st century demands a nation where more people rise above, create, build, strive, tinker, and invent, perhaps we need to revisit the goals of education.

1 comment:

  1. In this posting you mention that Louis Fein was an engineer who
    graduated from Stanford University. You need to correct those errors.

    Louis Fein was a physicist mathematician with a Ph.D. from Brown
    University in 1947. He held himself out as a "Physicist, Educational
    Technology Consultant and Computer Designer." He was the section head
    at the Ratheon Computer Department from 1949-52. He founded and served
    as President of Computer Control Company, Inc. from 1952-55. Among his
    consultancies were (on computers) Bank of America, Stanford Research
    Institute and General Electric; (on education) I.B.M. and Stanford
    University; (on Automation, Technology and Social Change) California
    Commission on Manpower, Automation and Technology; (on Synnoetic --
    i.e., Man-Machine Systems -- Systems and Artificial Intelligence)
    Stanford University, Stanford Research Institute, U.S. Navy, and U.S.
    Air Force. He developed the first computer science curriculum used at
    Stanford and many other universities. He was one of the 32 signers of
    the 1963 "Triple Revolution" letter to President Lyndon Johnson, calling
    a new approach to income from exclusive reliance on human contributions
    to the production of goods and services. Among his many publications
    was "The Root Curriculum: A Curriculum for Learners in Preparation for
    Living, Learning, Working and Playing in our Rapidly and Radically
    Changing Society."

    His a link on his background:

    I have a number of his articles on intelligence, learning, etc. and I
    would not be surprised that Kurzweil knew him or read his publications.
    I met him around 1966 on a plane ride, possibly on the trip I took as
    director of planning for the Citizens Crusade Against Poverty to meet
    with Kelso for the first time. We corresponded from time to time until
    1982. I don't know whether he's still alive.

    Norman G. Kurland, J.D.
    Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ)
    P.O. Box 40711, Washington, DC 20016
    (O) 703-243-5155, (F) 703-243-5935
    (E) thirdway@cesj.org
    (Web) http://www.cesj.org

    "Own or be owned."


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